How one advisor's client saved $20k from bad claims

Arvin, NHC System Developer

NHC adjudicates (reviews) every single claim that gets submitted by an employee. Other companies have a different philosophy and choose not to review every claim they pay out.

I’m a System Developer for NHC and wanted to know which way was better for our clients.

Does it really make a difference that NHC adjudicates everything?

I pulled the 2018 claim data on one of our advisor's clients (over 500 employees). Here’s what I found:

Typical Adjudication vs Total Adjudication

In 2018 employees at this company submitted $25K in completely ineligible receipts. After our team reviewed the expenses, under $5k was paid out.

That is a savings of $20K for this advisor's client. Here are the reasons why $20k of those expenses were not paid:

Over 30% of employees over-claimed, and over 20% submitted an expense that was previously rejected.

(This survey only looks at claims with ineligible receipts. It does not factor in claims that required additional documentation, or were rejected for reasons other than the ones shown in the pie chart above.)

NHC has always believed that adjudicating every claim saves your client money.

I’m happy to report that this is one data set that proves that. To share this information with your clients, download an advisor-formatted report here.

- Arvin

Advisor report : Adjudication Explainer